Discover strategies and listen to case studies from the digital front lines.
Megatrends like re-shoring, sustainability, and upskilling are driving accelerated change, while technologies like cloud, machine learning, edge computing, IoT, cybersecurity technology, additive manufacturing, augmented reality, autonomous assets, and more are enabling new business processes and obscuring traditional functional boundaries. OT, IT and ET teams are growing their skills and capabilities and transforming real-time operations. Seeking to be among the winners in the new normal, executives charged with driving transformation are seizing this moment to innovate and deliver real value. Call it digital transformation, smart manufacturing, smart cities, or Industrie 4.0 - there is a rush to innovate, transform, and accelerate the future.
Production Optimization Excellence Manager, Mette Marie Løkke, Ph.D., will present "Visualization as tool in Arla Foods digital transformation journey" on how Arla Foods' (fourth largest dairy company) digital strategy is rolled out accross 60 sites of varying maturity levels. Northwest Analytics CEO, Peter Guilfoyle, will join her on a Q&A panel following the presentation.