Northwest Analytics Software Assurance & Support Limited Warranty Agreement
The Northwest Analytics Software Assurance & Support Limited Warranty Agreement describes the standard terms and conditions of support services and benefits that Northwest Analytics, Inc. (NWA) will provide to an authorized Licensee of:
NWA Quality Analyst Web ServerÔ NWA Quality Monitorâ
NWA Quality Monitor SupervisorÔ NWA QAxÔ NWA SPCxÔ |
NWA Quality Information SystemÔ NWA Focus EMI Serviceâ |
These products are individually or collectively referred to herein as “NWA Software.”
NWA Software Assurance & Support is defined as a yearly paid subscription service for users of NWA Software. This entitles the licensee to receive Technical Support, plus Version Updates and Maintenance Revisions of the NWA Software Licenses purchased, as these are released for general distribution by NWA.
Technical Support is defined as NWA support services provided to those customers with current Software Assurance & Support subscriptions. Support is provided via the telephone, email, or an online contact form.
Version Updates are defined as changes to NWA Software’s major features, function, capabilities, or interaction with other software, where the version identification number is increased. Version updates generally require an installation process with new media and documentation addendum.
Maintenance Revisions to NWA Software are defined as patches to a current version of software. The patch makes software changes to specific sections, generally to fix software operation, or to add minor features or capabilities. Revisions may be made available through new media or as a download on NWA’s web site: at the discretion of NWA.
There is no implied regular schedule as to when software Version Updates, or Maintenance Revisions will be released for distribution. As they are released the full production product is also brought to the latest change status.
Limited Warranty
The below NWA Software Limited Warranty Statement is incorporated herein as part of this Agreement.
What NWA Will Do
- This Annual Software Assurance & Support Agreement entitles the Licensee to Technical Support throughout the one-year term, plus Version Updates and Maintenance Revisions of NWA Software, as they become available for general distribution. The Licensee will be notified in advance that a new version will be sent to them. The notification is by email, at the address shown in the Renewal Enrollment Form under ‘Software Assurance & Support Coordinator Name.’
- Technical Support is provided by NWA support staff on weekdays, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Pacific time. A toll-free telephone number is provided, and product specific email addresses are available. Support is provided in English. NWA’s Technical Support team strives to respond to customer support needs within one to two business days.
- For Version Updates, the NWA Software version number will change, and a download link will be emailed to the address completed on the Enrollment Form. The Licensee is encouraged, but not required, to install the version update as provided by NWA at the time it is provided. While NWA will continue to provide technical support for some older versions of its software, it may be necessary to update that software to address technical issues resolved with newer releases. The Annual Software Assurance & Support fee covers the cost of the Version Update.
- For Maintenance Revision changes, the Licensee will receive an email notification with a link to the NWA web site for a download link. The Licensee is encouraged, but not required, to install the maintenance update release provided by NWA at the time it is provided. While NWA will continue to provide technical support for some older releases of its software, it may be necessary to update that software to address technical issues that were resolved with more recent releases. The Software Assurance & Support Agreement fee covers the cost of the Maintenance Revision.
What the Licensee Will Do
- The Licensee will appoint a Software Assurance & Support Coordinator as a contact person to interface with NWA Customer Service for coordination, serial number resolution, and to receive product updates and revisions.
- The Licensee will make best efforts to keep the Renewal Enrollment Form current, informing NWA of changes to license quantity, serial numbers, and user count.
- The Licensee may elect to occasionally defer installation of NWA Software Version Updates or Maintenance Revisions but agrees to make all pending updates or revisions in the appropriate order when requested by NWA. This is for technical support reasons.
- For NWA Systems, any component may undergo version or maintenance revisions as required for compatibility. It is incumbent on the Licensee to keep the revisions synchronized so the complete NWA System remains fully compatible.
- Should an NWA software Licensee decide not to renew Software Assurance & Support they will notify NWA, in writing, 60 days in advance of the renewal anniversary date to cancel. Otherwise, the default is an automatic renewal.
Fee Schedule
- NWA’s Software Assurance & Support is provided on an annual basis and is renewable by payment of the next year's fee. NWA may delay delivery of updates, revisions, and discontinue Technical Support if the account is not current.
- The NWA Software Assurance & Support Agreement fee is determined by the then-current Software Assurance & Support annual rate and the then-current license fee of the associated software, at time of renewal.
- The NWA System Annual Software Assurance & Support extends to the full, complete system, as purchased, and is not to be reconfigured without NWA’s involvement and consent.
- If the NWA Software Assurance & Support Agreement is discontinued for a product serial number, and subsequently renewed, the renewal fee will include back payments to bring to current status, and fees for a future period will be required as well.
- Northwest Analytics reserves the right to adjust prices without prior notice, as deemed necessary.
Enrollment Period
- The NWA Software Assurance & Support Agreement starts upon the first day of the registered enrollment period and ends on the last day of the enrollment period. The enrollment period extends to 365 days in a calendar year, except for a leap year, which is 366 days.
- The enrollment start date is authorized by NWA upon either a credit card purchase or receipt of a purchase order, and validation of the user count along with associated serial numbers. The Licensee’s user count and serial numbers are to be compatible with NWA’s records. Any disagreement is to be resolved between NWA and the Licensee’s Software Assurance & Support Coordinator before the enrollment date can start.
Terms & Conditions
Current Terms and Conditions can be found at