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NWA Quality Analyst 7.2 Release Notes


Following the successful launch of NWA Quality Analyst 7.0 in January of this year, Northwest Analytics is excited to announce NWA Quality Analyst 7.2, the second quarterly release of 2024.

Customers enrolled in our Software Assurance & Support program get access to the latest release at no charge. Contact to get your upgrade process started.

What’s New In NWA Quality Analyst 7.2?

  • New "Generate Run Files" and “Generate Parent Run File" utilities automate Run File creation.
  • New Query Timeout (seconds) ODBC setting.
  • New “AKS Configuration” added for NWA Analytics Knowledge Suite users to switch between NWA Analytics Knowledge Suite and stand-alone modes of NWA Quality Analyst ("multi-mode").
  • Additional operations added for calculated columns (in Column Definition and Calculations):
    • DIFFMINUTES and DIFFSECONDS - the difference between two date (type D) fields
    • INSTR - position in text
    • LEN - length of text
    • IF - using "IF/THEN/ELSE" logic, this allows you to set the value of a variable based on the value of another variable.
  • Added support for Infometrix Pirouette® 5.0/IPAK2 for multivariate analysis.
  • Added support for Sartorius SIMCA®-Q 16 (64-bit) for multivariate analysis.

Problems fixed in NWA Quality Analyst 7.2

  • Improved Oracle performance retrieving column information.
  • Adjusted chart server rounding to improve out-of-spec or out-of-control alarm handling when the charted value and specification / control limit value are identical.
  • Resolved licensing issue when using QARFI to create stability charts.
  • Resolved issue with NWA Quality Analyst 7 chart server creating NWGs with more than one descriptive variable that couldn’t be processed by NWA Focus EMI 2.3 Dashboards.

Note before upgrading: Most NWA Quality Analyst users will experience automatic updates with minimal additional effort when transitioning to Version 7.2, like previous releases. However, some of the changes will require special attention by system administrators responsible for installing software and users who have integrated NWA Quality Analyst with other applications.

For further details on the installation process, access the NWA Quality Analyst 7.2 Maintenance Notes here.