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NWA Quality Information System™

Features & Benefits

Modular System

Each operating unit purchases only those NWA QIS components needed for each facility. Each system can be incrementally implemented to match budgets and available time. Pilots and regional rollouts are realistic, and global standardization of your quality system becomes a reality.

Quality Analyst: Multivariate SPC Module

NWA MvSPC™: Multivariate Analysis module


Product Description

Northwest Analytics has partnered with Infometrix to create a fully integrated solution for multivariate modeling and SPC charting that overcomes many of the barriers to the adoption of multivariate process monitoring and improvement techniques. NWA Quality Analyst’s multivariate SPC module, NWA MvSPC™, combines with Infometrix Pirouette® to simplify the data-collection, model-building, and deployment process for off-line and real-time applications.

Quality Information Systems: Data Collection Features & Benefits

Configurable plant-floor data collection

Easy to Configure Rich User Interface

The NWA QIS data collection station uses easily customized data-entry screens built using a familiar drag-and-drop, point-and-click interface. You can select from a variety of preconfigured templates or create complete user interface designs that exactly match your procedures and forms.

Quality Information Systems: Collateral

Quality Analyst: Collateral

Quality Analytics Server: Collateral

Real-time SPC for process monitoring and visualization

Product Definition

From the plant floor to the corporate office, NWA Quality Analytics Server™ delivers real-time SPC-based process and operational intelligence to the entire organization. The NWA analytics engine integrates data from existing manufacturing databases to supply dashboards with role-specific decision support information.

Features & Benefits

Quality Analytics Server™

Role-specific, real-time dashboards

NWA QAS delivers role-specific dashboards which present the right information to the right people at the right time.  Each dashboard can monitor Key Quality Indicators from multiple sources in real-time.

Alerts can be based on specifications, SPC limits, trends, or unusual patterns.

Instant access to exception reports, drill-down capability, and SPC charts to deliver the information needed to make the right decisions at the right time.

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