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Let’s Escape the Illusion of Control

Are many manufacturers kidding themselves? Do they believe those magic numbers that pop up in their dashboards give them the real process performance story?

Extend the reach of Six Sigma and Lean

Manufacturing companies are always on the lookout for methods to improve performance and reduce waste. Currently, two favored programs are Six Sigma and Lean.

Keeping the recall from the door

Consider the lowly Class III recall. While overshadowed by the headline-grabbing, health-threatening Class I variety, the economic damage to your operations is anything but lowly.

In Pursuit of Performance Excellence

The big promise of Enterprise Manufacturing Intelligence (EMI) is that it will transform your company into a high-performance, knowledge-driven organization.

Getting people and EMI systems on the same page

Our common industrial temptation is to focus on the “easy” engineering part of management systems while deferring the more difficult people part of incorporating the system into the daily work life

Evolving EMI from a tech-driven project to a value-driven initiative

Industry analysts and the marketplace alike tell us that for a manufacturing company to prosper, it must incorporate Enterprise Manufacturing Intelligence (EMI) into its management practices.